Saturday, January 28, 2006

Sunshine in Seattle?

Yes, there was a brief amount of sun yesterday. It has rained every day since I arrived. But that hasn't stopped our travels. We have seen a lot, have had a lot of excellent fish, visited good friends and am just enjoying being around family. Aunt Jean made excellent halibut! WOW was it good. I stayed with a friend last night and had a great visit with her and her children. I am so thankful for friends right now. It is so amazing how God has blessed me with the best friends ever. They have been so faithful to me and such prayer warriors! Thank you Jesus! I'll post pictures when I get home. Blessings to you and thank you for checking my blog.


Jeni said...

Aunt Shawnananasusu,
We're glad you're having a good time we can't wait for you to get back home.

Jacob, Katie, Jennifer, and Dale

Stephanie said...

Still praying for you. You have such a great attitude during these hard times! You are an ispiration and a great example.

God Bless You!

Anonymous said...

Dear Shawna,
wanted to let you know that we are thinking of you. We will keep praying for you and Lance. Call and we can have a cup of coffee over the phone. Love you, Dagmar

Anonymous said...

Shawna, missing you in sunnier-than-Seattle Kentucky. Glad you're having fun out there. You need a break. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Shawna
We will be praying for you here in Texas also. Take care!