Monday, January 23, 2006

Change in itinerary

Lance is driving to Maryland. I will be visiting my aunt in Seattle. I am looking forward to getting away for a few days and having some fun with family. I haven't been to Seattle in years so I am looking forward to doing the tourist thing. I just hope it doesn't rain the whole time. But if it does, I guess I will get to experience Seattle at her best! We will still have fun and just enjoy. I haven't found a lot of joy in my life lately. So hearing your joy may be a blessing to me.
Thank you again for faithful friends who are praying me through. I read Luke 12 on how God knows and cares about our every thought, our every need. Nothing that is covered up will no be revealed and hidden that will not be known. The very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear: you are of more value than many sparrows. The Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say. So I am keep silent for now until God reveals to me what to say.


Anonymous said...

Dear Shawna,
We are praying for you and your marriage daily. When I go through a huge hurt, it has always comforted me to know that God is not caught off guard even when I am. He knew about this "storm" before time began and has a plan for your life to bring you a future and a hope. We actually had a child we did not get to bring home from China 2 years before our adoption of Molly. God had such a plan for Luke and placed him in a perfect place where he is deeply loved. We love you,
Mary Strickland

Anonymous said...

Hey Shawna,
Keep remembering all those verses. Keep them in your heart and God will bring you through this! We love you at Skyline!
Love, the Teacutters