Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

I am having a great time in Montana. There isn't a lot of snow but there is some. It is so beautiful here with the big blue sky. There were 2 buffalo that were right in front of my parent's place. There is a buffalo hunt going on so once they are out of town, they will be someone's dinner. There are a lot of elk also being shot. Some deer as well. Hunter's paradise! Tomorrow we will go to Billings and celebrate Thanksgiving with family. It will be nice to be together but not everyone will be home. My friend is getting married on Sat. I am in the wedding so it will be a long weekend in Billings. It will be great seeing everyone and spending some time there. Hope you and yours have a very Happy Thanksgiving! Pray for our troops who are so far away.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

China news

Well there really isn't any news. There won't be for another month. The referrals came and went this month and no Gracie referral. I am pretty bummed but I know there will be joy in the end. The agency said probably next month. I was hoping to include her photo in my Christmas cards this year. I guess everyone who doesn't read my blog (because I will post as soon as I get it) will have to wait on her announcement. I wonder how long it will take to get those out. Usually you have some time to work on them while your baby is asleep. I wonder if Gracie will take long enough naps for me to to work on them? There are so many I wonders. I love it! I should be writing them down. So don't be disappointed about not seeing her photo yet. It will come when God wants it to come.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Soldier's Angels

Soldier's Angels
I received this e-mail from a Soldier's Angel and am happy to help such a great organization get the word out by posting it.
Hello. My name is Lisa ****** and I'm with Soldiers' Angels. We are currently working on our Christmas from Home drive and we are coming up short on donations. We were wondering if you would be kind enough to post the following news release on your blog. It is our goal to see that every member of the Military receives a little piece of home for Christmas. If you can't we understand but if you could we certainly would appreciate it.
Lisa ******
Soldiers Angels
Press Release
Holidays For HeroesSoldiers' Angels Need Your HelpPasadena, CA. October 12, 2005 -- The Holiday Season is not far away and thousands ofAmerica's bravest men and women who are standing watch over our freedom will not behome to share this special time of year with their families and friends. Sadly, there aremany other deployed soldiers who have no family to send them a package or even a cardat this most special time of year. Many wounded will be celebrating in hospitals.Soldiers' Angels, an all-volunteer non-profit organization that provides support todeployed soldiers and wounded soldiers as well as their families, is hard at work on theirannual Holidays For Heroes stocking drive, where stockings stuffed with small butwelcomed items are sent to soldiers who are deployed in the Middle East combat areasand hospital units.Cash donations are needed to purchase supplies as well as to help with shipping thestockings to the Middle East. Also needed are Holiday Stockings (homemade withspecial decorations and messages are wonderful, store bought is also great) as well as thelittle presents to stuff inside such as:- Individual packets of hot chocolate, cider or hot soup mix- Candy (bite sized, individually wrapped, all kinds)- AT&T Phone Cards (asking for this brand because it works in the Middle Eastarea)- Hand held games (playing cards, battery games with batteries, please)- Small puzzle books- Miniature Menorah- Small, signed Holiday cards from you and your families simply addressed to"Soldier" or "Hero." Homemade Cards are Welcome! Be sure to enclose yourname and addressThis is the perfect project for a church, school, club, business, family or for any group toget involved and to participate!Tax deductible cash donations to Soldiers' Angels, a 501 ( c) (3) organization, can bemade by going to the Soldiers' Angels website at and clicking onthe "Donations" button to donate using Paypal or by sending a check to:Soldiers' Angels, 1792 E. Washington Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91104Please make checks payable to Soldiers' Angels and make a notation that the check is forthe Holiday Spirit For Heroes fund.For drop-off locations or questions, please contact:Becky Morton - - (336) 227-5621Jamie Hedman - - (214) 507-3263Judi Burns - - (615) 676-0239

Friday, November 11, 2005

Veterans Day

Thank you to everyone who has made this country what it is today. Wow! We are so blessed to live here.

Remember to pray for our troops!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005 photo today

So try this instead!

How Smart Is Your Right Foot???
This is so funny that it will boggle your mind. And you will keep trying it at least 50 more times to see if you can outsmart your foot. But you can't!!!
1. While sitting at your desk, lift your right foot off the floor and
make clockwise circles with it.
2. Now, while doing this, draw the number "6" in the air with your right hand. Your foot will change direction!!!
I told you so... And there is nothing you can do about it. Make sure you pass this on to your friends... They won't be able to believe it either!!!

Monday, November 07, 2005

Leaves are plentiful

I had to rake leaves today. What a beautiful fall day so it wasn't such a bad chore. I had wanted to just mow the leaves to turn into mulch. Someone told me that is good for the lawn to do that. But of course I couldn't get the mower started. So raking I went! The sun is out, a little breezy. WOW! I love it here! God's creation is so amazing. No new adoption news. Still waiting on Gracie's picture. It could be any day. I know I keep saying that but it is true. I am off to Montana for Thanksgiving and off to Maryland for Christmas. So time should fly by until January, when I may go to China to get Gracie. I guess I better get with it after her picture comes. I need to buy diapers and a few odds & ends. Then she can come home :) Blessings to you for reading my blog. Sorry it isn't more exciting.

Friday, November 04, 2005


Our referral (Gracie's photo & medical report) could be here within a week. So her paperwork could be coming to us right now! It is hard to imagine we have come this far in this long process. I can wait to give her a kiss & hold her. The agency said we will probably travel in January. But we will know something for sure as soon as her paperwork arrives.
I am enjoying the fall weather. The beautiful trees. The cooler weather. HELLO sweaters & sweatshirts!
Well I am off to a function for church. Tomorrow I have a baby shower and then having some friends over for dinner. Keep checking back because maybe the next time you check, you'll see a picture of Gracie!

Thursday, November 03, 2005
