Tuesday, November 15, 2005

China news

Well there really isn't any news. There won't be for another month. The referrals came and went this month and no Gracie referral. I am pretty bummed but I know there will be joy in the end. The agency said probably next month. I was hoping to include her photo in my Christmas cards this year. I guess everyone who doesn't read my blog (because I will post as soon as I get it) will have to wait on her announcement. I wonder how long it will take to get those out. Usually you have some time to work on them while your baby is asleep. I wonder if Gracie will take long enough naps for me to to work on them? There are so many I wonders. I love it! I should be writing them down. So don't be disappointed about not seeing her photo yet. It will come when God wants it to come.


Stephanie said...

Before you know it she'll be in your arms and these days will just be memories of excitement and anticipation. God's timing is amazingly perfect.

Still praying for you.