Monday, November 07, 2005

Leaves are plentiful

I had to rake leaves today. What a beautiful fall day so it wasn't such a bad chore. I had wanted to just mow the leaves to turn into mulch. Someone told me that is good for the lawn to do that. But of course I couldn't get the mower started. So raking I went! The sun is out, a little breezy. WOW! I love it here! God's creation is so amazing. No new adoption news. Still waiting on Gracie's picture. It could be any day. I know I keep saying that but it is true. I am off to Montana for Thanksgiving and off to Maryland for Christmas. So time should fly by until January, when I may go to China to get Gracie. I guess I better get with it after her picture comes. I need to buy diapers and a few odds & ends. Then she can come home :) Blessings to you for reading my blog. Sorry it isn't more exciting.


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