Thursday, August 21, 2008

Thankful Thursday

I am so thankful it is Thursday because it is really my Friday since I am off tomorrow. We are heading to Gardiner to river raft. I love doing this & can't believe this will be my first and last trip of the summer. BUMMER! Anyway, on Saturday we are then going into Yellowstone Park to go to a cookout. TJ & I are riding horses & the rest of my family are going on wagons. It should be a blast! I am looking forward to the long weekend. Working 8am-10pm makes for such a long day but I have to do what I have to do to make ends meet. I am thankful I was able to get a 2nd job to fit my schedule. Well hopefully my next post will have some photos from the weekend. Hope you are enjoying these last few weekends of summer. For those of you who haven't been to Montana, we have a couple of months of spring & summer & then fall comes for a couple more months and then winter lasts about 6 months. So we enjoy every minute of sunshine we can get!