Sunday, March 18, 2007


68 more days till camping!! WOO HOO!! I can't wait. I can't wait to get my line wet fishy fishy. I am still in the middle of packing....full force packing. So looking forward to getting out of this humidity...which has started already. So looking foward to meeting my Mr. Wonderful. WOW...He is so awesome. He sends me pictures of him fishing with his beautiful! I can't wait! No job yet but I have a couple of leads. I believe I am leaving Simba on a farm here in TN. She will love to be outside and traveling with a pet is insane. I may be homeless, jobless, and putting her in a kennel for a couple months is not an option. Also it will be easier for me to find a place to live if I don't have a pet. It will be hard to part with her but this will be a great home for her. She will love to run around & have a farm to explore. So she will be going there next weekend. I'll keep you updated on me. I come! Oh and thank you to my wondeful friend who is giving my number away to anyone who calls her. THANKS! Remember, I do get revenge. TEE HEE TEE HEE!


Jenn said...

Yes, my bro is absolutely off limits. Ewwwww! It's for your own protection! I don't know why he and Maikka needed to call you, you know how that drunk dialing thing goes! Thanks for keeping up the camping countdown with me!

Anonymous said...

I can handle any revenge you have for me. Just as long as you are in Montana when you do it!!!! I can't wait for you to get your ass up here! I am excited to meet your Mr. Montana Man! Tongue here we come!!! (I am talking about the reservoir dirty girl!!)