Thursday, March 01, 2007

Spring has sprung

Yesterday it was 74 degrees. Oh how I wanted to be on the golf course. Today it was in the 50s and we had a tornado watch. Oh how fun that is. My boss said I could leave early if the weather got bad. It rained pretty hard but that was pretty much it. I hope it is nice this weekend so I can at least get my clubs out of the shed.
OK you beggars........I got my first stack of boxes! So let the packing begin!
Here are my top 10 reasons why I should move:

10. How else am I going to get Trent to visit? Come & get me & bring Kelly too :)
9. KBAR pizza whenever I want. Oh how I miss the pizza & Mexican food there
8. Starting a new job is exciting. Oh wait....I have to get hired first.
7. To take care of the old people my brother keeps complaining about.....Ang....I need affirmation again why I am moving
6. The dating pool.....bye bye soldiers.....hello I come!
5. Been away long enough....time to return home
4. Sell old stuff to be able to buy new stuff
3. If you have ever been to Montana you don't have to wonder why I would move there. The scenery is breathtaking.
2. Fishing.....camping....batch.....need I say more?
1. To spend as much time with family & friends as I want....SO GET READY!!


Jenn said...

I accidentally deleted my last comment, sorry!
And here are two more reasons:
1. Seasons (OK, so it's hot for one month, rainy for a month, muddy for another month, and winter for the other nine, but really, who is keeping track?)

2. Batch, did you already say batch? Well, you can never have enough batch! haha

Can't wait till you get here! It's going to be a great summer, boating, batch, fishing, batch, rodeo, batch, 4th of July, batch....

Anonymous said...

Just poppin by from Jen's blog. So you have a boy waiting for you. I am so excited. Does he like to camp? That should be a requirement. Can't wait till you get here. Maybe you and I could crash a few Wilma get togethers.

Jenn said...

Hey What's this I hear about crashing Wilma get-togethers?? Neither one of you have to crash it, you can just be invited! And we want details, Shawna Su! What's with the boy? Like Beth said, the boy better like to camp. Might he be making an appearance on Memorial Day?