Monday, September 26, 2005


Extreme Makeover was more than I could have imagined. They did a GREAT job and I am so proud to be married to a service member. They emphasized the war and the good things we are accomplishing, even though there are casualities. That is a part of war.
I finally made it home. I have unpacked but my piles of mail are still covering my table. I also haven't posted any photos from my trip. I may post them on another web site but will add the link here so you can see how beautiful Montana is! It is still in the 80s here and I am sweating a lot again and having bad hair days. Frizz city! At least I had 4 weeks of good hair days while I was in the land where there is no humidity.
Well tonight we are having our chaplain wives get together. The Special Forces chaplain wives are hosting it. We will be having what our soldiers eat in the field: MREs (Meals Ready to Eat), Monkey Meatballs, Ruphage (veggies), Animal Bites (meat sandwiches) and Jungle water to drink. We are suppose to dress in camouflage. It should be fun! So I am getting ready for that and trying to clean today and get through my mail. Getting back into my routine feels really good. Simba and I will probably go on a walk if the rain quits. She seems to have eaten a lot of treats while I was away. At least she was a good girl so I don't mind so much she has gained a few extra pounds. Now we will just have to shed them.