Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Great Day

WOW!  Where has July gone?  I can't believe this is the last week of the month.  We are continuing to survive in this TX heat.  It just keeps getting hotter & hotter and our A/C just keeps running & running.  We are still finalizing all of our adoption paperwork.  I have to get some photos together to send in this these final forms.  We have to send in pictures of our home and of our family.  I believe these are just for our dossier (entire packet that the agency puts together on us).  We also have to make photocopies of them to send over with our China packet.  US has to approve us and then China has to do the same.  Then they select a child for us.  We are also going to be sending in the form to do the fingerprinting.  INS has to send us the okay to go ahead with it.  So that will probably take a month or so.  It is expensive to send that form in so we are trying to save up enough money to send that in. 
I am enjoying working part-time.  I am also going to be getting involved with the Family Readiness Group (FRG) for 1-10 CAV, which is Lance's new unit.  I have enjoyed meeting the spouses and am excited to get involved with that group.
Tonight I am off to church to help with Team Kids.  The kids are so amazing and we have so much fun!  Hope you are doing well and I look forward to hear from you soon.