Monday, October 30, 2006

Are you kidding me?

I was just beginning to feel like my life was starting to make a turn for the better. I have a boyfriend who treats me like a queen. I am enjoying where I live and just love being at home in the evenings. I have a job that pays the bills.
And then on Saturday I get an email from a woman who claims she fell in love with my ex last year. She met him May/June of 2005, I am guessing when he got to Iraq and she says she fell head over heals for him. So sad for her & him. I wonder how many other woman Lance has all over the world? I really want the best for him but am so angry for what he has done to me. How embarassing this is. I want us both to move on with our lives and to be happy again. But then I get this news and I am beat down again. I am realizing I didn't know the man who I was married to for 11 1/2 years. How many lies did he tell me?
I am trying to concentrate on things I can control and will try not to worry about things that are out of my control. I have to believe I will get through this someday.


Shawna said...

I am sure Lance has told you about all the women he has had relationships with. You should ask him what he feels a relationship is. From what I see, he believes he isn't attached to them but emotionally he is even if he has never met them. Talking to them constitutes a relationship. Why would he lie and give them a phony last name? Since he cheated with you, what makes you think he won't cheat on you? He was cheating on you, emotionally. I hope you really think about what you are doing so you aren't in the same boat as me because I wouldn't wish this pain on anyone. I have and will continue to pray for both of you.

Shawna said...

I am confused why you are reading Lance's ex's blog to keep up with her life.
Anyhow, this woman claiming to have had a relationship (who never was in the military so she didn't come to him for counseling-you must be talking about some other woman) with Lance said they conversed for about 6 months, the entire time he was in Iraq with you. She didn't use a false name. Lance did. He had attached himself to several women during our marriage so I believe this happened since he was having an affair with you. He also came home telling me he wanted to work things out with me while he said he had ceased contact with you but I see from a cell phone bill he wasn't. So lie after lie after lie I catch him in still burns me up. He should have been honest with me, even after he told me about the affair. This is why I am fearful about him carrying a weapon. I am thankful you said you both were getting counseling. I believe he needs to get some things out in the open about what he saw in Iraq and how he deals with conflict. So that is a good thing. He was acting crazy when he came home from Iraq and I told the detective the truth about how I saw Lance. He wasn't the great man I married. We did have some great times in our marriage and I am thankful for that. Lance was a great chaplain, when he put God first. Did the detective tell you that? I also said how Lance is a great leader. The reason Lance gave me for divorcing me was that I critisized his driving. I guess that is a great reason to end an 11 1/2 year marriage. I supported Lance through all his dreams, was a submissive wife, put him through Seminary to get his master's degree when I could have been putting myself through Seminary. I worked full time to pay for his degree. So for him to pay 1/2 our bills (which included my student loan) we aquired while we were married, is required and I am guessing a concious thing. I am sure he feels a little obligated to help with the bills since we were debt free when he returned from Iraq. I didn't spend all our money like a lot of wives do. And how lucky I am that he paid me off before he remarries. Yeah Lance.

Jenn said...

Shawna, I hope you know that you are loved. You have a great family, terrific friends, and what sounds like a really sweet boyfriend. I am not sure why your ex's mistress would choose to even read your blog, let alone post something on it. Honestly, Jennifer, are you really that insecure that you have to check in on what Shawna writes from day to day? You seriously have no class whatsoever, and not because you are with Lance. What kind of weird obsession do you have with Shawna anyway?? Honestly, if you and Lance have such a great trusting blah blah blah relationship, why do you feel the need to post here of all places? I don't care about you or Lance and what all your relationship entails, but I do care about Shawna. You have a lot to learn, Jennifer. I, unlike Shawna, will not be praying for you, unless it's to pray that you fall off a cliff!

debwonder said...

hard to believe, but I'm speechless...truly, just speechless...

Jenn said...

Oh please, "Melodie" Shut up before you make yourself look stupid. Oh wait, too late.

Jenn said...

Right "Melodie" Whatever you say. I prefer compliments that aren't dripping in sarcasm.

Sincerely With Love said...

hmmmm....just a thought here...but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to point out that perhaps "one" who has "spent MUCH time" in counseling" exploring what a relationship means to her soon to be husband, probably should not be providing "words of wisdom" to his ex-wife.

TO the “one”….perhaps the topic of getting your own life should be next in line for discussion with your counselor.


P.S. The saying “once a cheater, always a cheater”….did not come from the mouth of a fool.

God bless you all