Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Busy week

Is it Friday yet? Seems like yesterday we were staying in the guest house waiting for housing. We are moved it and settled and getting on with our daily lives. I am working part time at a friend's pest control company with some administrative duties. I am enjoying that and am so thankful they are so flexible with my schedule. I am meeting once a week with the spouse's of Lance's unit. We will start a Bible/book study this fall. We will take the summer off due to so many traveling and busy with their kidos activities. I have committed to teach 3 & 4 grade at vacation Bible school in June at the church we joined on Sunday, First Baptist Church Oak Grove. Pastor Todd Gray is awesome and we feel right at home at church. Todd and Lance went to Southern Seminary together so Todd has already used one Lance story as a sermon illustration. Quite funny! We are loving the weather here. It finally hit 80 degrees! When we left Texas it had hit 80 a few days. It is chilly in the evening and oh so nice! I may plan to go to Charlotte to visit Lance's brother and family in July. I will drive so Simba can go with me. We have heard we may travel to China in Nov. This is estimated so it could possibly change again. We have a crib and stroller now so things are coming along. It is beginning to feel real. We also received a donation from a family who read our article in Buckner International Magazine. What a blessing to see God in people we don't even know. We are so thankful that He has provided financially for Gracie to become a part of our family. We are praying for her and hope you are too. She may or may not be born yet but God knows! Thank you for praying for us and may God bless you!