Sunday, March 13, 2005

Busy as ever

Well Pops (Lance's Dad) ended up having a quadrouple bypass on Friday. He is doing well but in a lot of pain. I haven't heard when he'll be going home. Lance's first day of airborne school didn't go so well. He said he had to do a lot of push ups (around 500?). He is picked on by the non-commissioned officers teaching the course, non-air assault soldiers because he has been to air assault school, he says "ROGER" & "HOOAH" a lot but you aren't allowed to say those words there. If you want to see a video on what Lance is learning, click here
I'll be driving to Ft. Benning on March 24th to visit folks around Wadley, which is about an hour from Ft. Benning and then see Lance graduate on April 1. We will then come back to close on our house April 8th and then head to Maryland to see Lance's family. So I am trying to get things gathered that we will have to move. My last day of work will hopefully be the 23rd. Earlier if I can but I just found out today that Lance wants me to come that weekend since he has Friday off for the Easter weekend.
Our adoption paperwork is on its way to the agency in New York and will be translated and sent to China. Then in about 4 months we should receive a photograph and medical report on our child or children to adopt! We will head to China hopefully in October to pick her or them up. I'll keep you posted.
Many of my friends' husbands are either home or are their way home from Iraq. What a joy it is to be a part of that awesome celebration and the reunion process. My heart leaps for joy when I think about it! Thank you Lord for bringing them home safely. I pray their reunion will be sweeter than honey :)
Well I am off to catch some much needed sleep. Take care and hope you have a blessed week.