Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Summer lovin'

I just love summer. I love hanging outside in 70-80 degree weather. I went to Gardiner this past weekend. We watched Trent & my Dad in a softball tourney called The Coulter Classic at Mammoth all day. They took 3rd. The weather was PERFECT! Then Sunday JoJo, my Mom, Shane & I went fishing on the Yellowstone. JoJo caught some nice rainbows. Shane caught a sucker & I caught a cutthroat. Good times....good times. We will head back up to Gardiner next month to take TJ river rafting. I am sure he will love that! Then we all (Karen, Tina, Bill & the kids) and my folks & Trent & Maaika & Shane & TJ & I are going on the Roosevelt cookout. I can't wait! Maaika, TJ & I are riding horses out there. I guess TJ now wants to be a wrangler when he grows up. I don't think he has ever taken care of a horse so I don't think that will be on his list once he finds out how much work it is.


Jenn said...

Fun fun!! Roosevelt cookout is a blast, I hope you guys have a great time. BBQ and swimming at your pad sounds heavenly!