Thursday, June 29, 2006

Last June blog

Well I thought I would get one last blog in before I have to turn my calendar to another month. Where are the months going? Well mine are ticking away. I hope you are enjoying your summer. Well I am officially divorced, moved into my own place and trying to get moved on with my life. I am seeking where God wants me to serve. I am undecided what I am going to do for the rest of my life so I am just working at a friend's company and getting my feet going again. I have come to grips, sort of, with the fact I will remain childess for a bit longer. I know God will give me children when the time is right. Lance's sin got in the way of Gracie coming into our family but I was able to love her, pray for her for a short time. I hope I get to meet her someday, maybe here on earth or in heaven. She holds such a special place in my heart. I have a photo of her on my desk to remind me that children are such a gift from God and we should never lose sight of that. There are so many children that need to be loved. I am longing to be a mother and I had it in my grasp but Satan took that away. But God has better things in store for me. He loves me like no human can. I hold onto that and know I will move on. I am ready to move on and begin this new season in my life.