Sunday, June 27, 2004


Just thought I would write a quick note to let you all know how the adoption is going. We went to Buckner International Adoption ( in Dallas on Tues. June 22nd for the orientation. We found out a lot of information about the process and are really excited. They said we may go to China as early as Jan. Feb. March or April to get her. It just all depends on how fast our references are sent in and checked and how fast our fingerprints and application is processed. We also have to have a home study done and that takes some time. We also have to pay for these things as they happen so I am starting to work part time at a bank here in Killeen. I will work Mon, Weds & Fri. We will save that money just for the adoption. The Army will give us some money as well as a $10,000 tax credit the year our adoption is finalized. The adoption will cost about $20,000 so we have a long ways to go on the financial aspect. Please pray for us in this because we are hoping to that God will let this happen before we either move or Lance has to go back to Iraq. I will try and update this on a weekly basis. Take care and please keep in touch.

In His Service,



Anonymous said...

We're praying for you and Lance and the baby that is our there waiting on you :-) Keep the faith neighbor!! Let us know how we can help.

Weakley Girls from down the street.